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  • Writer's pictureMarley Rose Harris

What is Spiritual Business Coaching & How Can It Help Your Business?

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

What is spiritual business coaching

Oh, the world of business coaching! There are 101 different ways that people are showing up in this space - and honestly, I’m here for it. As someone who has benefited greatly over the past few years from mentors, business coaches, and business/money/life expanders, I fully stand behind the understanding that coaching is a supportive way to streamline your business progress. But as you’ve probably seen across the industry, not all business coaching is the same. So what is spiritual business coaching?

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What is "Holistic" or "Spiritual" Business Coaching?

The goal of spiritual business coaching is not only to help you make money and grow your business—it's to do so in a way that is aligned with your values and beliefs. It's about making business decisions that are ethical and sustainable, and that help you grow as both a professional and as a person. As you already know, life, health, and spirituality are all so deeply connected. So why would your business be any different? To me, spiritual or holistic business coaching is not only about focusing on business strategies to propel and scale your business, but mixing in mindset and business energetics for the ultimate secret sauce to business success.

Since starting my business in 2019, I’ve worked with multiple different coaches and mentors that focused on things like business strategies, energetics, mindset - but I’ve never come across anyone that blended the three in a united & powerful way. When I became a holistic business coach, I made it my highest priority to bring forth my learnings in all three areas in a way that would provide my clients with holistic growth both in their businesses and life. Your dream life is possible for you, let’s look at some spiritual business strategies to get there:

Business Strategies

No amount of manifestation or mindset work will bring forth the business of your dreams without concrete work and business strategy. This is a fact. However, I’ve also noticed so many coaches in the business coaching space focusing ONLY on business strategies - which in my opinion, will only get you so far before you hit a block either energetically or by your mindset.

When I work with clients, both 1:1 and in my signature program Freedom Club, I focus heavily on business strategies that move the needle. When I first started my business, I often felt like I was spinning my tires and focusing on things that just weren’t providing the ROI that I wanted for my time and financial resources. If you’re seeking spiritual business coaching, it’s important to work with someone who understands your greater business vision, your industry, experience with relevant business tools to save your time, and actually has experience building a successful business themselves.

Some of the most important business strategies I teach in Freedom Club include:

  • Research & Development to ensure you have a viable business idea, determine the best niche for you, and brainstorm a name for your business.

  • Personal Branding to teach you how to create a personal brand deck (including logo and branding guide), craft your “I help statement” and more.

  • How to Create An Irresistible Offer that magnetizes your dream clients and allows you to scale your business easily.

  • How to Price your offer in a way that makes sense for both you and your clients.

  • Learning to create & implement a sales strategy that doesn’t feel icky.

  • Learning to market your business effectively & efficiently (without hiring a million people!).


As you can see, while I think mindset and energetics are SO important to building a business, having solid business fundamentals and ongoing strategies cannot be ignored. If you’re interested, learn more about Freedom Club here.

Mindset Strategies

While business strategies are so important, mindset is a huge component that I feel people also either don’t take seriously or skip over entirely. Personally, I think mindset is arguably be the most important part of building and growing a business. In my experience, with myself and my clients, even if you are doing everything right, if your mindset isn’t in check you can and will often stand in the way of your own success (likely without even realizing it or realizing why). If you’ve dabbled in mindset work, you may be aware of some limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving or maintaining the success you want (and deserve!).

This sometimes looks like:

  • Feeling like you’re not good enough or feeling like you’re an imposter in your business which can often lead to holding back new offers, holding back in marketing, or repelling clients.

  • Feeling like you’re not doing enough or accomplishing enough in your business when in reality you’re accomplishing a ton which can often look like never being happy or celebrating your wins. This often leads to burnout or feeling like you’re on a never-ending hamster wheel of work.

  • Feeling like there isn’t enough work, money, clients, etc. which often leads to undervaluing your services, not wanting to invest in your business (because you think the money won’t come back), and other limiting decisions.

  • Feeling like you aren’t ready which often looks like playing small in your business because somewhere, deep inside you have negative connotations around ‘success’.

  • Feeling like you don’t deserve success or money which often looks like self-sabotaging your business in a way that keeps you at a level (of finances, success, etc.) that feels “safe” to your body.

Our limiting beliefs stem from information absorbed while our brains were forming as children (or even as early as in the womb!). Regardless of if this information was “true”, our brains have learned that certain ways of being are “good” or “bad”. These beliefs can form from both explicit and implicit events throughout our life that we may or may not even remember. If not actively identified & changed, these beliefs serve as a guideline to keep us “safe” throughout our entire life. However, the good news is that we can work to identify & rewire these limiting beliefs that may be holding us back both in our businesses and also our lives!

Some of the core belief systems we deep dive into in Freedom Club include:

  • Your entrepreneurial mindset

  • Your self-worth

  • Your money mindset

  • Your freedom mindset

Energetic Strategies

You might be wondering, how is there anything left to focus on in spiritual business coaching? Well get ready angel, business energetics may just be your missing puzzle piece that changes everything for you and your business. While business energetics and mindset go very closely hand in hand, they are different.

My approach to business energetic strategies includes understanding how the Universe, manifestation, etc. can work to propel your business forward. Having this component is one of the most important factors, I believe, for myself and my clients to quantum leap into their dream lives. You may already be familiar with the Law of Attraction in your life, but tuning into business energetics is how you can incorporate the LOA into manifesting your dream business & life. When your business is aligned with your passion and life purpose, the universe can’t help but support you.

Some of the ways I like to incorporate energetics into my business coaching include:

  • Identifying & working through energetic blocks through energy healing modalities (shout out to Margo from Whole Beauty MD for being my lifesaver).

  • Somatic healing through modalities such as breathwork (shoutout to Othership for being my other lifesaver).

  • Practicing self-love and FEELING GOOD in your business and life. If you’ve been following me for a while you know that feeling good is the first step to manifesting anything you desire.

  • Other manifestation-supporting techniques like journaling, hypnosis, and building regular vision boards.

How to Choose The Right Spiritual Business Coach

So you may be thinking, okay that all sounds good, but how do I decide who to work with? I suggest doing your research before hiring anyone. The coaching industry is an amazing place, but there are definitely instances where I have heard from clients and others that they have felt they hired a coach that wasn’t truly aligned with them and their vision or wasn’t able to provide the support they were looking for. Some of my suggestions when seeking out spiritual business coaching are:

1- Gather Social & Metric Proof

Has the coach you’re looking at worked with real clients? What have past clients had to say about working with them? I always recommend looking at testimonials from past clients before hiring anyone. Ensure the testimonials come from genuine businesses and look for hard metrics and data for growth. For example, did the clients experience an increase in booking retention, closing rate, sales, etc. All of these are helpful to ensure you will be supported in achieving the growth you are hoping to achieve within your time together.

2- Do You Feel Like Working With Them Is a “Hell Yes”

How does hiring them feel in your gut? Does it feel like a warm “maybe” or a full body “hell yes”? This is important. I believe when you’re making any decisions, big or small, in your business (and life), it’s SO important to listen to your intuition and only say yes to things that feel like a “100% yes”. Book a discovery call, review their IG, listen to their podcast, etc. and get a sense of their vibe before committing to any holistic business coaching.

3- Does Their Style Of Coaching Work For You

Consider their coaching style - do you meet with them virtually once or twice a month? Are you supported in a group setting with weekly live calls? In my experience, being surrounded by a group of like-minded entrepreneurs while building your business is just as important, if not more, than the actual coaching! This is why I built Freedom Club the way I have, when you sign up for holistic business coaching with me in Freedom Club, you not only receive my weekly live coaching, but you also receive a group of like-minded, ambitious & high-vibe individuals to connect with as you move through the weekly content.

Business Coaching For The Coach, Healer Or Practitioner

If you’re a coach, healer or practitioner looking to quit the 9-5 grind, learn how to start a soulful business, or scale your current business to 10k months - Freedom Club is the place to be. This is my signature program that combines everything I’ve learned from starting & scaling my own businesses, hiring my own array of coaches, and coaching many clients 1:1 to triple our monthly incomes, build our brands, and create lives beyond our wildest dreams.

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